World No Tobacco Day Is On May 31, And Dr. Bharat Agravat Has a Message for the World

World No Tobacco Day 24

World no tobacco day 2024 theme

On this World No Tobacco Day, Fri, 31 May, 2024, the Dr Agravat Healthcare Ltd and QSG wellness team focuses on the global youth and helps them understand the grave dangers of consuming tobacco.

AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, INDIA, MAY 23, 2024 – World No Tobacco Day is right around the corner and the pioneering dentist of India, Dr. Bharat Agravat, has something to say to his fellow countrymen and the world. Along with Dr.Kartavya Agravat, the sharp co-founder of Quit Smoking Gutkha initiative, and his glorious team, the good doctor joins the global medical community in commemorating this day in memory of those who have lost their lives to tobacco and those who could be saved in the nick of time and were granted a longer, cleaner shot at a brand new life. This May 31, Dr. Bharat Agravat and his team celebrate life as they give new hope in the form of Quit Smoking Gutkha Kit, or the QSG Kit.

Chewing Gutkha, Supari leads to restricted mouth opening Oral Submucous Fibrosis very commonly seen. Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is a chronic premalignant disease associated with betel quid chewing. Epidemiological studies indicate that there are approximately 5 million individuals suffering from OSMF worldwide, with a concerning malignancy mouth cancer transformation rate of up to 4.2 %.

Tobacco continues to be one of the biggest causes of human death worldwide. South Asians even more so because of the variety of tobacco products they’ve managed to invent. The QSG DIY Kit, however, offers a comprehensive solution. On this World No Tobacco Day, Fri, 31 May, 2024, the Dr.Agravat team focuses on the global youth and helps them understand the grave dangers of consuming tobacco. Health once critically lost is never regained. Plus, teaming with the right officials, the Dr.Agravat team ensures to make it more and more difficult for tobacco companies and factories to offer them at dirt cheap prices. For anyone who becomes an addict, the quintessential Quit Smoking Gutkha Kit is just a click of the mouse away.

In these testing times, it is of paramount importance to rally behind the one who’s on a mission to make a difference in the society. The DIY QSG Kit developed by Dr. Bharat Agravat helps addicts break free from the clutches of tobacco and frees them through complete non-invasive methods. Its triple action formula solution is completely Medico herbal and, therefore, has zero side-effects. QSG Kit Pack of 3 products is the only one that provides a 4 weeks quit holistic and comprehensive programme designed to help people surely lead radically healthier lives.

Shop Online How to quit smoking, How to quit chewing tobacco. Restricted mouth opening treatment


QSG kit Pack Of 3 Products I 4 weeks quit program

Original price was: ₹ 2,799.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,899.00.

OSMF Mouth Opening Kit Treatment at Home with OSMF Tablets, Medicine, Oral Gel, OSMF Pops and Mouth Opener – Pack of 4 Products

Original price was: ₹ 7,999.00.Current price is: ₹ 6,300.00.

Quit Smoking Gutkha QSG Kit Pack of 3 Products with 4 weeks quit programme was developed by Dr Kartavya Agravat under the mentorship of 25 years experienced and 18 award winner Dr Bharat Agravat. It is a triple action solution providing 4 weeks quit programme comprehensive and holistic solutions to de-addict tobacco consumers naturally.

Contact and Address

For QSG kit: Quit Gutkha and Smoking Website –

For Restricted Mouth Opening Kit Visit :

Dr Agravat Healthcare Ltd :

For About Mentor visit :

  • What is the purpose of World No Tobacco Day?

    Answer : World No Tobacco Day aims to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and to encourage governments and individuals to take action to reduce tobacco consumption. It promotes a tobacco-free lifestyle to improve public health and reduce the burden of tobacco-related diseases.

  • What is the theme of World No Tobacco Day 2024?

    Answer : The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2024 is "Grow food, not tobacco." This theme emphasizes the importance of prioritizing sustainable food production over tobacco farming to support global health and food security.

  • What is the message of the World No Tobacco Day?

    Answer: The message of World No Tobacco Day is to highlight the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocate for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption. It encourages people to quit tobacco and governments to implement strong tobacco control measures.

  • What is the slogan of World No Tobacco Day?

    Answer; The slogan for World No Tobacco Day 2024 is "Food, not tobacco." This slogan underscores the need to shift focus from tobacco cultivation to food production, promoting better health and economic outcomes.

QSG Wellness

Quit Smoking & Gutkha Together! Welcome to Quit Smoking Gutkha – Your Journey to a Healthier Life Begins Here! Agravat group Celebrating over 60 years of helping smokers and tobacco quit. How Smoking & Tobacco affect you ? How do I quit Smoking and Tobacco chewing. Quit Smoking and Tobacco tips. Get tips on how to control cravings.  Whether you're taking your first step towards quitting or navigating through your quitting journey, our products are tailored to guide and empower you at every stage. We're here to provide the tools, support, and expertise needed to pave your way to a tobacco-free life. * Expert Guidance * Supportive Community * Effective Solutions: * Healthier Alternatives * Comprehensive Approach * Scientifically Proven Stay motivated with a support program that delivers advice, tips, coupons, and more, straight to your inbox.

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